Looking at the haunting image of a poor dog, lying still in front of countless flies and bugs, made us both sad and scared.

There was a pitiful dog named Lucky living in a large forest. One day, Lucky went missing and couldn’t be found for a long time.

After a period of searching, Lucky’s owner accidentally found it lying motionless on a rock. The image of the pitiful dog lying on the rock with thousands of flies and bugs all over its body made us feel sorry and disgusted.

Lucky’s owner rushed to take the dog to the veterinary hospital. There, the veterinarians cleaned and treated Lucky. The dog had been infected and had to endure a lot of pain during the treatment process.

After a long period of care, Lucky fully recovered and returned with good health. Lucky’s owner decided to take it home and give it a new life.

However, the image of Lucky lying motionless on the rock with thousands of flies and bugs still remained in the minds of the owner and viewers. They realized that taking care and protecting animals is very important and everyone needs to pay attention to keeping the health and safety of animals.

Lucky’s story reminds us of the responsibility of each person towards animals and the need to treat them in the best way possible.