A gargantuan python dangles from the ceiling, consuming an adult animal in a remarkable display of its voracious appetite.

Picture the scene: you’re in your house, minding your own business, when all of a sudden you look out into your backyard and see a carpet python hanging from your roof.

Snake catcher Stuart McKenzie was called out to the house on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland early on Wednesday morning, May 13, after its residents spotted the snake slithering along their roof.On his arrival though, the 30-year-old heard a ‘commotion’ and was shocked to see the 6.5ft snake hanging from the family’s roof with a large ring-tailed possum hanging from its mouth.Not wanting to disturb its meal, Stuart waited for an hour to let the python finish ingesting the possum. ‘I knew if I tried to take it away right at that moment, it would likely drop its food and not want to eat it again,’ he explained. ‘It’s just nature so the best result is that the snake gets it food as it is already dead.’

About Pythons

Pythons are large snakes, although they do not have venom like snakes, they have tremendous power. When molting, they can shatter the skeletons of wild buffaloes. For a long time, the hunt for fat and skin, so this hunt is not much in the wild.

1. To this day, people still circulate the legend of the python Titanoboa. They are considered to be the largest snakes that have ever existed on earth. According to paleontologists, they are real species, existing about 60 million years ago.

With the remaining fossils, people reconstructed the image of this python. and it was amazing to notice that their body was about 25 meters long, weighing more than 1 ton. The middle segment of the body of Titanoboa is up to 1 meter wide.

Jonathan Bloch, a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Florida (USA), and his team have been wading through the forests of Africa and South America to find traces of pythons believed to be believed to be pythons. biggest in the world. Together with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, they came to the conclusion that they were completely extinct.

– Most likely from 55 to 60 million years ago, the python Titanoboa was the lord of the earth. Their power is terrible. With what we have today, it can be completely confirmed that they are the only enemies of the dinosaurs – Jonathan Bloch said.

Still according to this scientist, until now people still see the appearance of some descendants of the python Titanoboa. First of all, the largest rock python in Africa. An adult rock python is up to 7 meters, even 10 meters in length. Their bodies are stout, long, with beautiful patterns, including brown, olive, chestnut, and yellow.

This python is present in most parts of Africa. However, in South Africa this python species has the largest weight and size. African rock pythons live in grasslands, areas near water (rivers, streams, swamps …) or near forests. This is an extremely aggressive python species, ready to attack anything that is moving. before their eyes. Even an animal a few times bigger than them could not escape death when they were entangled.

And in India, pythons in the jungle are also very terrible. When mature, they are about 6 meters long. They kill their prey by squeezing, causing the victim’s bones to crumble. It is scary that in the wild, they can live up to 25 years. Similar is the species of python in Australia and Indonesia.

Clouded pythons live in tropical forests, warm places, and near water sources. This is a rather special species of python, although it can grow up to 8.5 meters, it is quite slender and extremely agile. This python species is very dangerous, considered a cannibal python, so they are hunted quite fiercely.