Suffocating rescue: The elephant carrying 20 poisoned arrows was lucky to be rescued in time

In March 2021, Dying the elephant became a symbol of hope and resilience after surviving a brutal attack by poachers in Kenya’s Tsavo East National Park. The majestic animal had been struck by 20 arrows coated in a deadly poison, and his chances of survival seemed slim. But thanks to the quick intervention of a team of brave veterinary doctors, Dying was able to pull through and overcome the odds.

The incident that led to Dying’s miraculous survival occurred when a group of poachers entered the park and began targeting elephants for their ivory tusks. Dying, who is estimated to be around 15 years old, was one of their victims. He was struck by multiple arrows and left to die. However, the elephant’s sheer will to survive kept him going, and he managed to make his way to a nearby river where he collapsed.

Fortunately, a team of veterinarians from the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) was able to respond quickly to the scene. The team, which included experts in wildlife anaesthesia, surgery, and pathology, worked tirelessly to remove the arrows and administer life-saving treatment to the ailing elephant. The procedure was not without its challenges, as the arrows had been coated in a potent poison that threatened to take Dying’s life. However, the KWS team was able to neutralize the poison and provide the elephant with antibiotics and other medications to aid in his recovery.

The story of Dying’s survival is a testament to the incredible resilience of these animals and the dedication of the people working to protect them. It is also a reminder of the ongoing threat of poaching to Kenya’s wildlife. Despite efforts to combat poaching, Kenya’s elephant population has been dwindling in recent years. The ivory trade continues to drive poaching, as demand for ivory remains high in some parts of the world.

In response to this threat, the KWS and other conservation organizations have been working hard to protect Kenya’s wildlife and raise awareness about the importance of conservation. Their efforts have led to some positive results, including a decline in poaching incidents and an increase in elephant populations in some areas. However, much more needs to be done to ensure the survival of these magnificent creatures.

Dying’s story is a reminder of the challenges that lie ahead, but also of the hope that we can make a difference. By supporting conservation efforts and working together to combat poaching, we can help ensure that elephants like Dying continue to thrive in the wild.