Firefighters’ Brave Rescue Mission to Save a Puppy Trapped Underneath a Mountain of Soil as It Cries Out for Assistance.

It’s not just putting out fires or marching through the streets in a machine equipped with hoses and sophisticated components to deal with emergencies, it’s doing selfless social work with a will. highest to do things with the best that man has: love… It’s just about being a fireman.

This job is not easy. Joys, sorrows, successes and failures are aspects that in any profession or profession of all those known and soon to be known, the men and women of the main fire brigade. face to face.

This story is not about fires or traffic accidents, this is the story of some brave volunteers who, as required by their vocation, put their own safety and their lives first to rescue a puppy  that was walled up under a large amount of earth that it prevented him from breathing.

It is yet to be confirmed whether a landslide was the cause of the unfortunate event , but it is not ruled out that the little animal has been buried by the former people responsible for its care.

A neighbor who was passing through the facilities of the Guaraní Club was the one who heard the weak barking of the puppy , but, although he could hear it, he could not locate the exact place where the animal’s cries were coming from.

He immediately called the fire department of Caazapá, Paraguay, who showed up at the site to witness the tragic scene. The brave officers mobilized quickly, before it was too late for the poor dog, buried under at least five feet of dirt and rubble.

“We didn’t know if we could save the animal, but that doesn’t mean we would stop trying,” said a volunteer.

Regardless of the cause of the terrible situation, time was running out for the animal, so, first, digging with their hands and then with shovels that were obtained from the station and from the neighbors, the professionals removed the earth and managed to remove to the lucky furry

Once the rescue was carried out, it was possible to verify that the pet had suffered several serious cuts, which suggested that the animal was indeed buried by some ruthless soul , apart from the serious difficulties in breathing due to the time spent under kilos and kilos of earth.

This is a situation that, although it is daily, always leaves a mark in the soul of these beings who must constantly sacrifice their lives to help save the lives of others.

“This work, as commendable as it is, also carries a weight that is difficult to bear. Constantly witnessing tragic situations can wear anyone down and we know that better than anyone,” added the rescuer.

Well, I think he’s absolutely right, however, despite this, firefighters keep hitting the road because they know that, even though their job is hard and exhausting, there are moments when beautifully carved as a reward for their hard work. And this case is a good example of this.

After a careful bath and special care, this beautiful four-legged dog is today a happy puppy looking for a home where he is treated with the respect and love he deserves. worthy of receiving.

Share the story of true dedication to service with your closest friends and denounce any action against our beautiful and needed companions in the animal kingdom. .