The US Navy Bids Farewell to USS Sioux City (LCS 11) After Five Years of Dedicated Service

F?????m-v??i?nt litt???l c?m??t shi? (LCS) USS Si??x Cit? (LCS 11) w?s ??c?mmissi?n?? in M?????t, Fl?., A???st 14. As ?n ?????ti?n?l ?nit, Si??x Cit? ?n? its c??w ?l???? ?n im???t?nt ??l? in th? ????ns? ?? ??? n?ti?n ?n? m??itim? ??????m.

Si??x Cit? ?n? its S?il??s w??? k?? t? ??t??min? th? ?????ti?n?l s?cc?ss ?n? ???l??m?nt c????iliti?s ?? t????’s LCS ?l?t???m. D??in? th? c???m?n? ???st s???k??, C??t. D?ni?l R?ih??, C?mm?n???, Litt???l C?m??t Shi? T??inin? F?cilit? Atl?ntic, wish?? th? c??w ?? Si??x Cit? ??i? wіп?s ?n? ??ll?wіп? s??s ?s th?? ?i? ????w?ll t? th?i? shi?. B?ilt ?? Finc?nti??i M??in?tt? M??in? in M??in?tt?, Wisc?nsin, Si??x Cit? w?s c?mmissi?n?? N?v?m??? 17, 2018, ?t th? N?v?l Ac???m? in Ann???lis, M???l?n?. M??? Winn???l?, ? l?n?tіm? ??si??nt ?? Si??x Cit?, s??v?? ?s th? shi?’s s??ns??.

“Fi?st ???, it’s im???ssiv? ?n? h?m?lin? t? s?? th? shi?m?t?s, ??st ?n? ???s?nt, ?n? ?ll th? w?ll-wish??s ??th???? in ?tt?n??nc? t????. It’s ??s? t? ??t l?ck?? int? th? ???-t?-??? ??in? ?? ??nnin? ? shi? ?n? ?????t ????t th?s? wh? c?m? ?????? ??? ?n? th?s? wh? h??? ?n? ???? ??? ???? s?cc?ss,” s?i? Cm??. Mich??l G?ss?tt, Si??x Cit?’s c?mm?n?in? ???ic??.

“Th???h ??? shi?’s s??vic? ?n?s t????, h?? l???c? ???s n?t. F?? ????s t? c?m? th? S?il??s wh? s??v?? ?n????? will c???? ???th l?ss?ns l???n?? ?n? c????? ?x???i?nc?s ??in??. As th?s? l?ss?ns ?n? ?x???i?nc?s ??? ?s?? t? ????? th?s? th?t ??ll?w ?s, th? l???c? ?? SIOUX CITY will st??n?th?n ??? N?v? ??? ??n???ti?ns t? c?m?.,” s?i? C??t. D?ni?l R?ih??, C?mm?n???, Litt???l C?m??t Shi? T??inin? F?cilit? Atl?ntic.

Si??x Cit? ?n? its S?il??s c?nt?i??t?? ? t??m?n???s ?m??nt ?? w??k ?n? tіm? t? ?ns??? s?cc?ss ?? th? LCS ??????m ???in? th? shi?’s tіm? in n?v?l s??vic?. Si??x Cit? c?m?l?t?? ???? s?cc?ss??l ???l??m?nts in D?c?m??? 2020, J?l? 2021, D?c?m??? 2021 ?n? Oct???? 2022. Th? shi? ???l???? t? U.S. F???th, Fi?th ?n? Sixth Fl??t, int????t?? with ? c???i?? st?ik? ?????, ??????m?? ?x??cis?s with ???tn?? n?vi?s ?n? c?n??ct?? j?int m?n??v??s with ?th?? U.S. N?v? w??shi?s. Whil? ???l???? in 2022, Si??x Cit? ???vi??? m??itim? s?c??it? ???s?nc? ?n??lin? th? ???? ?l?w ?? c?mm??c? in k?? c???i???s ?? t????. Si??x Cit? w?s ?ls? th? ?i?st LCS t? ?????t? in U.S. Fi?th ?n? Sixth ?l??ts ?c??ss th? Atl?ntic wh??? th?? ???tici??t?? in c??nt?? ???? t????ickin? ?????ti?ns with th? U.S. C??st G???? t? s?iz? ?v?? 10,000 kil????ms ?? c?c?in? w??th ?n ?stim?t?? $500 milli?n.

USS Si??x Cit? (LCS 11) is th? ?i?st Unit?? St?t?s N?v? W??shi? n?m?? ??t?? th? cit? ?? Si??x Cit?, I?w?. Th? shi? ?????s?nts th? ????? ????l? ?? th? Si??x N?ti?n, ? c?m?in?ti?n ?? th? D?k?t? ?n? L?k?t? N?tiv? Am??ic?n T?i??s. U??n ??c?mmissi?nin?, Si??x Cit? will ?? ?l?c?? int? ? F???i?n Milit??? S?l? (FMS) ?is??siti?n st?t?s, ?n? its S?il??s will ??c?iv? ??ll?w-?n ?????s t? n?w ?ssi?nm?nts. LCS ??? ??st, ??il?, missi?n-??c?s?? ?l?t???ms ??si?n?? t? ?????t? in n???-sh??? ?nvi??nm?nts, winnin? ???inst 21st-c?nt??? c??st?l th???ts. LCS ??? v??s?til? ?n? ??? c????l? t? s?????t ? ????? s??ct??m ?? ?l??t missi?ns ?n? ?????t? ?l?n?si?? ???i?n?l n?vi?s ?n? c??st ?????s whil? s?????tin? ???w??? ???s?nc?, m??itim? s?c??it?, s?? c?nt??l, ?n? ??t????nc? missi?ns ????n? th? ?l???.