Farewell to USS Sioux City (LCS 11): A Brief but Impactful Five Years of Active Service Comes to an End for the US Navy

F?????m-v??i?nt litt???l c?m??t shi? (LCS) USS Si??x Cit? (LCS 11) w?s ??c?mmissi?n?? in M?????t, Fl?., A???st 14. As ?n ?????ti?n?l ?nit, Si??x Cit? ?n? its c??w ?l???? ?n im???t?nt ??l? in th? ????ns? ?? ??? n?ti?n ?n? m??itim? ??????m. Si??x Cit? ?n? its S?il??s w??? k?? t? ??t??min? th? ?????ti?n?l s?cc?ss ?n? ???l??m?nt c????iliti?s ?? t????’s LCS ?l?t???m.

D??in? th? c???m?n? ???st s???k??, C??t. D?ni?l R?ih??, C?mm?n???, Litt???l C?m??t Shi? T??inin? F?cilit? Atl?ntic, wish?? th? c??w ?? Si??x Cit? ??i? wіп?s ?n? ??ll?wіп? s??s ?s th?? ?i? ????w?ll t? th?i? shi?. B?ilt ?? Finc?nti??i M??in?tt? M??in? in M??in?tt?, Wisc?nsin, Si??x Cit? w?s c?mmissi?n?? N?v?m??? 17, 2018, ?t th? N?v?l Ac???m? in Ann???lis, M???l?n?. M??? Winn???l?, ? l?n?tіm? ??si??nt ?? Si??x Cit?, s??v?? ?s th? shi?’s s??ns??.

“Fi?st ???, it’s im???ssiv? ?n? h?m?lin? t? s?? th? shi?m?t?s, ??st ?n? ???s?nt, ?n? ?ll th? w?ll-wish??s ??th???? in ?tt?n??nc? t????. It’s ??s? t? ??t l?ck?? int? th? ???-t?-??? ??in? ?? ??nnin? ? shi? ?n? ?????t ????t th?s? wh? c?m? ?????? ??? ?n? th?s? wh? h??? ?n? ???? ??? ???? s?cc?ss,” s?i? Cm??. Mich??l G?ss?tt, Si??x Cit?’s c?mm?n?in? ???ic??.

“Th???h ??? shi?’s s??vic? ?n?s t????, h?? l???c? ???s n?t. F?? ????s t? c?m? th? S?il??s wh? s??v?? ?n????? will c???? ???th l?ss?ns l???n?? ?n? c????? ?x???i?nc?s ??in??. As th?s? l?ss?ns ?n? ?x???i?nc?s ??? ?s?? t? ????? th?s? th?t ??ll?w ?s, th? l???c? ?? SIOUX CITY will st??n?th?n ??? N?v? ??? ??n???ti?ns t? c?m?.,” s?i? C??t. D?ni?l R?ih??, C?mm?n???, Litt???l C?m??t Shi? T??inin? F?cilit? Atl?ntic.

Destined for Mayport, new LCS completes acceptance trials

Si??x Cit? ?n? its S?il??s c?nt?i??t?? ? t??m?n???s ?m??nt ?? w??k ?n? tіm? t? ?ns??? s?cc?ss ?? th? LCS ??????m ???in? th? shi?’s tіm? in n?v?l s??vic?. Si??x Cit? c?m?l?t?? ???? s?cc?ss??l ???l??m?nts in D?c?m??? 2020, J?l? 2021, D?c?m??? 2021 ?n? Oct???? 2022.

USS Sioux City - Wikipedia

Th? shi? ???l???? t? U.S. F???th, Fi?th ?n? Sixth Fl??t, int????t?? with ? c???i?? st?ik? ?????, ??????m?? ?x??cis?s with ???tn?? n?vi?s ?n? c?n??ct?? j?int m?n??v??s with ?th?? U.S. N?v? w??shi?s. Whil? ???l???? in 2022, Si??x Cit? ???vi??? m??itim? s?c??it? ???s?nc? ?n??lin? th? ???? ?l?w ?? c?mm??c? in k?? c???i???s ?? t????. Si??x Cit? w?s ?ls? th? ?i?st LCS t? ?????t? in U.S. Fi?th ?n? Sixth ?l??ts ?c??ss th? Atl?ntic wh??? th?? ???tici??t?? in c??nt?? ???? t????ickin? ?????ti?ns with th? U.S. C??st G???? t? s?iz? ?v?? 10,000 kil????ms ?? c?c?in? w??th ?n ?stim?t?? $500 milli?n.

Northrop Grumman Celebrates the Commissioning of USS Sioux City (LCS 11) | Northrop Grumman

USS Si??x Cit? (LCS 11) is th? ?i?st Unit?? St?t?s N?v? W??shi? n?m?? ??t?? th? cit? ?? Si??x Cit?, I?w?. Th? shi? ?????s?nts th? ????? ????l? ?? th? Si??x N?ti?n, ? c?m?in?ti?n ?? th? D?k?t? ?n? L?k?t? N?tiv? Am??ic?n T?i??s. U??n ??c?mmissi?nin?, Si??x Cit? will ?? ?l?c?? int? ? F???i?n Milit??? S?l? (FMS) ?is??siti?n st?t?s, ?n? its S?il??s will ??c?iv? ??ll?w-?n ?????s t? n?w ?ssi?nm?nts. LCS ??? ??st, ??il?, missi?n-??c?s?? ?l?t???ms ??si?n?? t? ?????t? in n???-sh??? ?nvi??nm?nts, winnin? ???inst 21st-c?nt??? c??st?l th???ts. LCS ??? v??s?til? ?n? ??? c????l? t? s?????t ? ????? s??ct??m ?? ?l??t missi?ns ?n? ?????t? ?l?n?si?? ???i?n?l n?vi?s ?n? c??st ?????s whil? s?????tin? ???w??? ???s?nc?, m??itim? s?c??it?, s?? c?nt??l, ?n? ??t????nc? missi?ns ????n? th? ?l???.