A Heartbreaking Encounter: Stricken Dog Suffers Serious Leg Injury from Being Accidentally Stepped on, Struggling to Find Comfort on a Deserted Pathway.

Dog With Crushed Front Paw Rescued And Put An End To His Pain

This story discusses a poor dog called Judo, who was hit by a car, which left him with many fractures in his leg. Fortunately, RRSA India rescued him before it was too late.

The dog was so friendly with the rescuers and started wagging his tail unstoppably, despite the major pain in his leg. The dog was sent for an X-ray and a blood test.

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The leg’s circumstance was really poor, so, the canine was moved to a specialized veterinary hospital, that has surgical facilities with high technology.

Sadly, it was too late for his leg as the vet decided that the best thing is cutting off the leg due to the major danger of blood flow and infection.

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