Dog is ѕһot in the һeаd by owner for being ‘too happy’ but never loses his smile

There are heartless people who will give up their dogs for the most trivial reasons, throwing them away just for being a dog, or even for being too friendly.

But one monstrous owner went a step further with their cruelty, mortally wounding their dog for a heartbreaking reason… but still couldn’t wipe the smile from the dog’s face.

In 2018, a 7-year-old shepherd dog was found in Greece in a shocking condition: he was tied to a tree and had been shot point blank in the head by his owner.

“He was left there for dead, but managed to stay alive for days,” Save a Greek Stray wrote on Facebook. “As a result, the wound was badly infected even causing severe infection in his bone mass.”

Warning: graphic photos

Even more heartbreaking, he was reportedly shot just for being too playful and happy.

Vets performed surgery on the dog, known by the name of Ice. They cleaned up the wound, removed the infection and gave him antibiotics.

It was a delicate procedure: doctors had to reconstruct the dog’s nasal bone, preventing interconnection with his mouth and just praying his body would accept the graft.

Miraculously, Ice pulled through. Two weeks after the surgery the vets announced that the graft was a success and the infection was under control.

And despite the ordeal and all he had been through, Ice never gave up his happiness, remaining a friendly, smiling dog no matter what.

“Ice decided today, to show the whole world what a beautiful dog he’s become,” Save a Greek Stray wrote.

But the surgery was just the first step in Ice’s new life. After getting back on his feet, he was brought to a shelter to try to get adopted.

He was quickly back to his old self, running around and playing with the other dogs.

Sadly, while Ice’s story went viral and he enjoyed the spotlight, it still took a long time for him to find the right home. According to The Orphan Pet, it was believed to be because he was overly friendly.

It seemed no one wanted this happy dog.

But then, Ice finally got the happy ending he deserved.

After a year in the shelter, Ice finally found his forever home with a family from the UK.

He’s now doing great, playing with his dog siblings and going for walks on the beach.

It’s heartbreaking to think of all the pain this dog went through, but we’re so glad he finally has a family who will love him just the way he is.