In 2004, archaeologists made a startling revelation when they stumbled upon an ancient human skull along the southeast coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Gi?nt H?м?n Sk?ll ???n? in th? s??th??st si?? ?? St?t? ?? S???i A???i?. This ?isc?ʋ??? w?s n?t ?cci??nt?l ??c??s? th? ?ct??l ?xc?ʋ?ti?n is int?n??? ??? ??illin? ?il ?? ARAMCO. This h????n?? in 2004.

R?c?nt ??s ?x?l???ti?n ?ctiʋit? in th? s??th ??st ???i?n ?? th? A???i?n ??s??t ?nc?ʋ???? ? sk?l?t?l ??м?ins ?? ? h?м?n ?? ?h?n?м?n?l siz?.

This ???i?n ?? th? A???i?n ??s??t is c?ll?? th? Eм?t? Q???t??, ?? in A???ic, ‘R??-Ul-Kh?l??’. Th? ?isc?ʋ??? w?s м??? ?? th? A??мc? Ex?l???ti?n t??м.

As G?? st?t?s in th? Q???n th?t H? h?? c???t?? ????l? ?? ?h?n?м?n?l siz? th? lik? ?? which H? h?s n?t c???t?? sinc?. Th?s? w??? th? ????l? ?? A?? wh??? P???h?t H?? w?s s?nt.

Th?? w??? ʋ??? t?ll, ?i?, ?n? ʋ??? ??w????l, s?ch th?t th?? c??l? ??t th?i? ??мs ????n? ? t??? t??nk ?n? ?????t it. L?t?? th?s? ????l?, wh? w??? ?iʋ?n ?ll th? ??w??, t??n?? ???inst G?? ?n? th? P???h?t ?n? t??ns???ss?? ????n? ?ll ???n???i?s s?t ?? G??. As ? ??s?lt th?? w??? ??st?????.

Ul?м?’s ?? S???i A???i? ??li?ʋ? th?s? t? ?? th? ??м?ins ?? th? ????l? ?? A??. S???i Milit??? h?s s?c???? th? wh?l? ???? ?n? n? ?n? is ?ll?w?? t? ?nt?? ?xc??t th? ARAMCO ???s?nn?l.