It’s unbelievable that the lioness was able to swallow a giant crocodile up to 2 meters long

Startling images have captured the moment a ferocious lioness killed and devoured a crocodile at Kruger National Park in South Africa. The astonishing incident took place within the Sabi Reserve, located in the western part of the renowned Kruger National Park.

Photographer Mike Sutherland was fortunate enough to witness and capture the brutal behavior of these animals in their natural habitat during a guided tour in the area. He came across a series of lion tracks while leading a group of tourists.

Sutherland explained, “As is customary in private game reserves in South Africa, guides can track animals on foot before getting back into the vehicle for observation. So, we set off on foot to search for the lions. After about half an hour, we heard sounds resembling a lion fighting near a small channel next to a waterhole.”

The lioness devouring the crocodile. The lioness feasting on her conquest.

The group realized that the lions were in the vicinity and swiftly returned to the vehicle to get closer.

“Upon finding the lions, it was evident that they had just killed a crocodile. A lioness was biting the crocodile’s neck, ensuring its demise,” said Sutherland.

“Some of the other lions were scratching at the crocodile’s tough scales, while others bit its tail. The remaining lions showed curiosity towards the captured prey they had just hunted.”

The lioness feasting on the crocodile. Other members of the lion pride join in the feast.

Sutherland estimated that the crocodile measured approximately 1.5 meters in length and weighed around 100 kg. Meanwhile, the adult lioness weighed approximately 150 kg.

He remarked, “The crocodile’s head is much larger than that of a lion, making it quite challenging to compare their overall sizes accurately.”

The lioness feasting on the crocodile. The pride consists of 4 adult females and 9 cubs.

The lioness featured in the photographs is part of a pride that comprises four adult females and nine cubs.

At the time the images were captured, the lionesses were approximately 5 years old, while the cubs ranged from 10 to 18 months old.

This extraordinary encounter showcases the fierce and predatory nature of lions, highlighting their ability to dominate even formidable creatures like crocodiles. It serves as a reminder of the raw power and unrelenting instincts that exist in the animal kingdom