Rescue the poor little dog that lives under the tree as its true happiness becomes the happiest dog after being saved from being rained rescued.

In ? t?l? t??t ?n??l?s ??n??t? t?? s??lt?? ?? ? l?n?l? t???, ? ???l??n littl? ??? ?in?s ??? s?lv?ti?n, ?x???i?ncin? ? ??????n? m?t?m?????sis ???m ? li?? ?? ??s?l?ti?n t? ?n? ?ill?? wit? ???n?l?ss j??. T?is ????tw??min? n????tiv? ill?min?t?s t?? t??ns???m?tiv? ??w?? ?? ??sc?? ?n? ?i??li??ts t?? inc???i?l? ??sili?nc? ?? ?nim?ls w??n ?iv?n ? s?c?n? c??nc? ?t ????in?ss.

M?v?? ?? t?? si??t ?? t?? ???’s ?li??t, t??s? kin?-????t?? in?ivi???ls st????? ???w??? t? ????? t??i? ?i?. Wit? ??ntl? ??n?s ?n? s??t?in? w???s, t??? c??x?? t?? t??m?lin? ??? ??t ???m ?n??? t?? t???, ???vi?in? ? ?limm?? ?? ???? in ??? ???k?n?? ?xist?nc?. In t??t m?m?nt, ??? j???n?? ???m ??s??i? t? ??li??t ????n.

D?? ?? ???, t?? ???’s s?i?it ????n t? s?in?. H?? ?nc?-?im ???s s???kl?? wit? n?w???n? j??, ?n? ??? timi? st??s ???w ??l??? ?s s?? ?m???c?? t?? l?v? ?n? c??? l?vis??? ???n ???. E?c? w?? ?? ??? t?il ??c?m? ? t?st?m?nt t? t?? ??????n? ??sili?nc? wit?in ???, ? t?st?m?nt t? t?? in??mit??l? s?i?it t??t ????s?? t? ?? ???k?n.

T?is t?l? ?? ??sc?? s??v?s ?s ? t?st?m?nt t? t?? t??ns???m?tiv? ??w?? ?? c?m??ssi?n ?n? t?? imm?ns? im??ct t??t ? sin?l? ?ct ?? kin?n?ss c?n ??v? ?n ? li??. It ?nc??????s ?s t? l??k ????n? ???????nc?s, t? s?? t?? ?i???n ??t?nti?l in t??s? s?ci?t? ??s ?v??l??k??, ?n? t? ?xt?n? ??? l?v? ?n? c??? wit???t ??s??v?ti?n.

M?? t?is ????tw??min? st??? kin?l? ? ?l?m? wit?in ?s ?ll, i?nitin? ? ??ssi?n t? ???t?ct ?n? ??li?t t?? liv?s ?? ?nim?ls in n???. L?t ?s s?????t l?c?l s??lt??s, ??v?c?t? ??? ??s??nsi?l? ??t ?wn??s?i?, ?n? ??st?? ? c?lt??? t??t c???is??s ?n? v?l??s ?v??? livin? ??iing

T???t???, w? c?n c???t? ? w??l? w???? n? ??? is l??t t? s????? ?n??? t?? t???, ?n? w???? t?? ??s??n?in? j?? ?? ? ?nc?-????l?ss c???t??? ?in?in? ????in?ss ??c?m?s t?? n??m ??t??? t??n t?? ?xc??ti?n.