The discovery of a Scythian burial in Russia revealed a remarkable golden headdress adorning the deceased.

Aks?n R?ssi?n Sci?nc? C?mm?nic?ti?n Ass?ci?ti?n

Inv?sti??ti?ns ?t th? D?n ?xc?v?ti?n sit? in R?ssi? h?v? ?n???th?? ? ???i?l m??n? c?nt?inin? ???? Sc?thi?n w?m?n with im???ssiv? ???v? ????s th?t incl??? ?n? ?? th? m?st c?m?l?t? ??l??n h??????ss?s ?v?? ???n? ???m this ???.

V?l??ii G?li??v, th? h??? ?? D?n ?x???iti?n, ?nn??nc?? th? ?i?st ??s?lts ?? th? ?x?min?ti?n ?n th? 6th ?? D?c?m??? ?t th? s?ssi?n ?? Ac???mic C??ncil ?? IA RAS.

Th? ???i?l ?? th? Am?z?n with ? h??????ss m??? ?? ???ci??s m?t?l ??tin? ??ck t? th? s?c?n? h?l? ?? th? 4th c?nt??? BC w?s ???n? ?? th? st??? ?? th? D?n Ex???iti?n ?? IA RAS ???in? th? ?x?min?ti?n ?? th? D?vits? V C?m?t??? ?? V???n?zh O?l?st. (Im???: ??ch???l??.??)

D?vits? V C?m?t???, which w?s n?m?? ??t?? th? l?c?l vill??? h?s ???n kn?wn ?? sinc? th? 2000s. It c?nsists ?? 19 m??n?s, s?m? ?? which ??? ?lm?st hi???n ?s this ???i?n is ?n ???ic?lt???l z?n? which is c????ntl? ?l?w??. Sinc? 2010 th? sit? h?s ???n st??i?? ?? th? s??ci?lists ?? th? D?n Ex???iti?n ?? IA RAS.

B? th? tim? ?? th? ?xc?v?ti?n w??ks, ?????w N?. 9 ?t D?vits? V c?m?t??? w?s ? sm?ll m??n? ?? j?st 1.1 m?t??s in h?i?ht ?n? 40 m?t??s in ?i?m?t??. Un??? th? c?nt?? ?? th? m??n? th? ??ch???l??ists ???n? th? ??m?ins ?? th? t?m?, wh??? th? n????w ???m?s (?nt??nc? ??ss???) ???m th? ??st??n si?? h?? l??. In ?nci?nt tim?s th? t?m? w?s c?v???? ?? ??k ?l?cks which w??? l?i? c?issc??ss ?n? ??st?? ?n 11 st??n? ??k ?il?s. Th? ???v?-?it w?s s?????n??? ?? th? cl?? ???thw??k t?k?n ???m th? ????n? ???in? th? c?nst??cti?n ?? th? ???v?.

In th? ?????w ???? w?m?n ?? ?i?????nt ???s w??? ???i??: tw? ???n? w?m?n ?? 20-29 ????s ?l? ?n? 25-35 ????s ?l?, ? t??n??? ?i?l ?? 12-13 ????s ?l? ?n? ? w?m?n ?? 45-50 ????s ?l?. Th? ???i?l m?st h?v? ?cc????? ?t th? s?m? tim?, ?s ?n? ?? th? ?il?s th?t s?????t?? th? ?l??? ?? th? t?m? w?s in th? ???m?s ?n? c?m?l?t?l? c?v???? th? ?nt??nc? s? th?t it w??l? ?? ??s?l?t?l? im??ssi?l? t? ??ss it ???in? n?xt ???i?ls.

Th? ???i?l h?? ???n l??t?? in ?nci?nt tim?s. Th? ??????s ???k? int? th? t?m? ???m th? n??th wh?n th? ?l??? h?? ?l????? ??ll?n ?n? th? s???lch?? w?s ???i?? i.?. 100 ?? 200 ????s ??t?? th? ?????w w?s ?ill??. H?w?v??, ?nl? th? n??th??n ?n? ??st??n ???ts ?? th? t?m? h?? ???n ?????? wh??? th??? w??? th? ??m?ins ?? th? t??n???? ?n? ?n? ?? th? ???n? w?m?n.

A???t ???m th? ??m?ins, in th? n??th??n ???t ?? th? ?it w? ???n? m??? th?n 30 i??n ????w h???s, ?n i??n h??k in th? sh??? ?? ? ?i??, ????m?nts ?? h??s? h??n?ss, i??n h??ks ??? h?n?in? h??n?ss?s, i??n kniv?s, ????m?nts ?? m?l??? v?ss?ls ?n? m?lti?l? ?nim?l ??n?s. In ?illin? th? ??????s’ ??ss???, th? ???k?n ?l?ck l?c???? l?c?th?s with ??? ?i???? ??lm?tt?, ??tin? ??ck t? th? s?c?n? t? thi?? ????t?? ?? th? 4th c?nt??? BC w?s ???n?.

M?i? V. B????w N?. 9. G?n???l vi?w ?? th? ???i?l-?it incl??in? th? s?c?n? w?m?n (in?ivi???l N?. 2; 30–35 ????s ?l?) ???i?? ?l?n? th? w?st??n w?ll with h?? h??? t? th? s??th in th? s?-c?ll??. “P?s? ?? th? h??s?m?n”.  (Im???: ??ch???l??.??)

At th? s??th??n ?n? w?st??n w?ll th??? w??? tw? ?nt??ch?? sk?l?t?ns l?i? ?n th? w????n ???s c?v???? ?? ???ss ????in?s. On? ?? th?m ??l?n??? t? ? ???n? w?m?n ???i?? in ? “??siti?n ?? ? h??s?m?n”. As th? ??s???ch ?? th? ?nth????l??ists h?v? sh?wn, in ????? t? l?? h?? in s?ch ? w??, th? t?n??ns ?? h?? l??s h?? ???n c?t. Un??? th? l??t sh??l??? ?? ? “h??s?w?m?n” th??? w?s ? ???nz? mi????, t? th? l??t ?? th? sk?l?t?n th??? w??? tw? s????s, ?n? ?n h?? l??t h?n? sh? w??? ? ???c?l?t m??? ?? ?l?ss ????s. B? th? l??s th??? w??? tw? v?ss?ls: ? m?l??? c?ss?l?tt? ?n? ? ?l?ck l?c???? ?n? h?n? c?nth???s which w?s m??? in th? s?c?n? ????t?? ?? th? 4th c?nt??? BC.

Th? s?c?n? ???i?? w?s ? w?m?n ?? 45-50 ????s ?l?. F?? th? Sc?thi?n tim? it w?s ? ??s??ct??l? ??? ?s th? li?? ?x??ct?nc? ?? ? w?m?n w?s 30-35 ????s ?l?. Sh? w?s ???i?? in ? c???m?ni?l h??? ???ss, c?l?th?s, th? ?l?t?s ?? which w??? ???s??v?? ??c???t?? with th? ?l???l ??n?m?nt ?n? th? ?ims with th? ??n??nts in th? sh??? ?? ?m?h????.

Ri?ht: D?t?ils ?? c?l?th?s ?n th? mist??ss’s sk?ll. L??t: G???hic c?l?th?s’s ??c?nst??cti?n. (Im???: ??ch???l??.??)

An?l?sis h?s sh?wn th?t th? j?w?l?? w?s m??? ???m ?n ?ll?? wh??? ?????xim?t?l? 65-70% w?s ??l? ?n? th? ??st is c?????, silv?? ?n? ? sm?ll ??? c?nt ?? i??n. This is ??it? ? hi?h ??? c?nt??? ?? ??l? ??? Sc?thi?n j?w?l??, which w?s ??t?n m??? in th? w??ksh??s ?? P?ntic?????m ???m ?l?ct??m, th? ?ll?? ?? ??l? ?n? silv??, wh??? th? ??l? c?nt?nt w??l? ?? ?????xim?t?l? 30%.

Al?n? with th? ?l??? w?m?n ?n i??n kni?? w?s l?i? w?????? int? ? ?i?c? ?? ????ic ?n? ?n i??n ????wh??? ?? ??it? ? ???? t???, t?n??? with ???k?? ?n? w?s ?l?c??. Th?s? ?in?s ?n? ?ls? m?n? ??t?ils ?? th? w????n ?n? h??s? h??n?ss s????st th?t th? Am?z?ns, w?m?n-w???i??s ???m th? Sc?thi?n ???ch ?m?n? I??ni?n n?m??ic ?n? s?mi n?m??ic t?i??s ?? E?st??n E?????, w??? ???i?? in this ?????w. S?ch h??s? w?m?n ??????l? w??? c?ttl? h?????s ?n? ?w?llin? ?????i?ns, whil? th? m?n w?nt ?n l?n?-t??m w????ths.