The herd of wild buffalo returned with a 1000 companions, causing the lion to retreat and rescuing the hapless baby elephant.

Elephants are huge and strong herbivores, they will not be afraid of predators like lions or crocodiles. But the baby elephants are smaller in size and have limited survival experience.

Baby elephants easily become the lion’s food and with the help of the heroes of the wild, the wild buffaloes become heroes by constantly performing famous rescues.

The lost mother elephant is lost in a battle with 5 lions and it is almost exhausted. The baby elephant has accepted death and no longer has the strength to call for help.

Wild buffaloes were nearby and decided to join the baby elephant rescue. The buffalo approached the fight and was ready to attack the lion, the lion began to panic because of the fierceness of the buffalo.

Then the lion gradually loosened up and the baby elephant got up and ran away from this deadly place.

This amazing rescue moment is hard to come by in the wild. And the wild buffalo became heroes.