The suspenseful and heart-pounding rescue mission unfolds when a helpless dog finds himself trapped inside the wheel, its desperate cry of pain echoing for hours with no way out.

Lucky to save the poor chubby puppy stuck in the wheel and don't know how to get out - Juligal

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Animals are always full of curiosity so you might find them in the weirdest of places such as this puppy with its head stuck in a sport rim.

Lucky to save the poor chubby puppy stuck in the wheel and don't know how to get out - Juligal

In a viral video shared by kerol505 on TikTok, we see a chunky puppy trying to free itself from a car sport rim but to no avail.

We can hear a man saying “Do you have no work? You put your head in there and now you’re stuck. What do we do now?”

The puppy was seen struggling before the video ended.

Lucky to save the poor chubby puppy stuck in the wheel and don't know how to get out - Juligal

Source: Kerol505 l TikTok

In a follow-up video, a man comes to free the puppy from the sport rim. The man who spoke in the previous video was noticeably melted by how cute the puppy looked when its face was exposed.

“Let’s see its face a little. It’s soo adorable!”

The puppy also managed to get some pats from the crowd.

Lucky to save the poor chubby puppy stuck in the wheel and don't know how to get out - Juligal

Source: Kerol505 l TikTok

The following videos on the account are all focused on the puppy and it seems that the TikTok user is completely enamoured by the little creature.

They also mentioned that they will be bringing some food for the puppy the following day.


Lucky to save the poor chubby puppy stuck in the wheel and don't know how to get out - Juligal