Two dogs collapsed in the middle of the road with their bodies covered in asphalt without receiving help from a passerby.

T?? im???s ?? t?? ???? ????i?s l?in? ?n t?? ????n? m??? ????lin?s ????n? t?? w??l? , t?? n?ws w?s ??l??s?? ?t t?? ?n? ?? A??il l??vin? ?ll t?? ?ctivists wit? t??i? m??t?s ???n ?n? t??i? ????ts w?inkl?? ???n witn?ssin? s?c? ? ??in??l sc?n?.

T?? ???? ?n?s will ?lw??s ?? m??? t? ?i??t ???inst t??s? w?? ???m t?? ????i?s.

Wit? t?? int?nti?n t??t t?? ???? ????i?s ?i? in t?? w??st w??, s?m??n? wit???t ???lin?s l??t t??m c?v???? in t?? in t?? mi??l? ?? ? sw?lt??in? s?n t? ?i? sl?wl? . F??t?n?t?l?, t?? ????i?s w??? ??sc??? ?? t?? Sk? F??n??ti?n ??? Anim?l Ri??ts ?????? t?? w??st ?????n??.

P???i?s ?ls? ??v? t??i? ?????i?n ?n??ls.

W??n t??? w??? ???n? t??? w??? in c?itic?l c?n?iti?n , t?? t?? is ? stick? s??st?nc? wit? ? ???k c?l?? ?n? ? st??n? ???? t??t ??ickl? ??????s t? t?? skin ?? t?? ?nim?ls ?n? is ??in??l t? ??m?v? i? t?? ?????? ???c????? is n?t c???i?? ??t . All t?? ????i?s w??? t???t?? ?? ? v?t??in??i?n in Is?i, l?c?t?? in n??t???st??n R?m?ni? . In t?is ??????, t?? ??ct?? ??ints ??t:

“On? ?? t?? ???s ??? ? ???tic?l??l? ?i??ic?lt tim?. His l??t ???, n?s? ?n? m??t? w??? c?v???? in t??. W? c??l? ???ll? ?s? s?m? kin? ?? ?nim?l ??licin? instit?ti?n ?i??t n?w.”

R?m?ni?, ??in? ? c??nt?? wit? ? ?i?? ??t? ?? st??? ???s, is n?t t?kin? t?? c?s? v??? s??i??sl? , in ??ct, st??n? ??m??s w??? ????? ????t ?n ???ic?? w?? ?i? n?t w?nt t? w?st? tim? inv?sti??tin? ???n??n?? ???s.

T?? li?? ?? ????i?s is ?s im???t?nt ?s t??t ?? ?n? ?t??? livin? ??in?.

In vi?w ?? t?? sit??ti?n, C?t?lin P?v?li?, ???n??? ?? t?? Sk? F??n??ti?n ??? Anim?l Ri??ts , is ?n? ?? t?? ??w ????l? w?? ??s ?ct?? ?s ? v?ic? ??? t?? m?st ????ns?l?ss. H? c?mm?nts t??t in ??c?nt m?nt?s c?s?s ?? ?nim?l c???lt? ??v? inc???s?? in t?? ???i?n, s? ??ssi?l? s?m??n? is ?ctin? wit? ???m??it?ti?n ?n? t???c????.

J?stic? will c?m? s??n?? ?? l?t??.

As t?? ???s ?in? t??i? ????v?? ??m?s, t??i? ?nc?-imm??iliz?? ???i?s ????in st??n?t? ?n? vit?lit?. T??? ?l???is? ?n??? t?? l?v?, s?c??it?, ?n? n??t??in? ???vi??? ?? t??i? n?w ??mili?s, l??vin? ???in? t?? sc??s ?? t??i? ??st ?n? ?m???cin? ? ??t??? ?ill?? wit? ????in?ss ?n? c?m??ni?ns?i?.

T?? t?l? ?? t??s? ???? c?nin?s, c?m?l?t?l? c??t?? in t?? ?n? ???n??n?? ?n??? t?? sc??c?in? s?n, s??v?s ?s ? st??k ??min??? ?? t?? imm?ns? s?????in? t??t ?nim?ls c?n ?n???? ?t t?? ??n?s ?? c???lt? ?n? n??l?ct. It c?lls ???n ?s t? ??m?in vi?il?nt, t? ??is? ?w???n?ss ????t ?nim?l w?l????, ?n? t? t?k? ?cti?n in t?? ??c? ?? s?c? ?t??citi?s.

M?? t?is st??? ins?i?? ?s ?ll t? ?xt?n? c?m??ssi?n ?n? kin?n?ss t? ?ll livin? ??in?s, ?ns??in? t??t n? c???t??? is l??t imm??iliz?? ?n? ??l?l?ss, ?n? t??t t?? ??n?s ?? ?m??t?? ?n? c??? ???v?il in ??? s????? j???n?? ?? c??xist?nc?.