51 Small House Design Ideas Under 100 Sqm With a Low Budget

The large homes may be impressive to look at, but the benefits of living in a small house make it my favorite to live in.

Because a smaller home typically costs less, this frees up money every month to spend on things that you really want. It’s not just the lower mortgage payment that will save you money, though.

Just as important as having extra money to spend every month, is knowing that you’re living below your means. Living below your means gives you peace of mind if you have a major financial setback like being unable to work, losing a job, or having a serious medical problem.

When you’re cleaning your house every week, that’s a pretty significant time-saving. Have you ever carried a large vacuum up and down 3 flights of stairs? It’s not fun. Your only other choice is to buy a vacuum for every level of your house… or never vacuum.

When you live in a smaller house though, having your space set up and decorated exactly how you want it is pretty easy!


You can paint yourself, and start small grabbing quality items that are made to last and upgrading things slowly over time. After some time, you’ll have a magazine-worthy house that you’ll be proud of at the fraction of the cost of a larger home.
















































Credit: Pinterest

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