Adorable Video: Ruff night’s sleep? Don’t worry! Adorable golden retriever puppy comforts dog having a nightmare

An adorable new video shows a puppy comforting an older dog as it twitches in its sleep.

The tiny golden retriever is seen getting up and looking helplessly at its larger companion as its paws and stomach flinch mid-dream.

In a bid to put its pal at ease, the pup moves over and snuggles up closely head-to-head.

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There, there: An adorable new video shows a puppy comforting an older dog as it twitches in its sleep

Its small nose appear resting on the older dog’s ear with it paws lodged by its jaw.

The night trembles seem to stop, and the two pets peacefully doze together.

Their owner, Ariel Goodman, said they quickly became friends after being introduced despite the age gap.

Bad dreams: The tiny golden retriever is seen getting up and looking helplessly at its larger companion as its paws and stomach continue to flinch

To date the video of the concerned puppy has been watched more than 1.3 million times since it was uploaded to YouTube.

Many viewers have deemed the clip ‘cute’ and ‘adorable’.

One woman added: ‘That is what our Jack Russell terrier does to my husband when he has a bad dream.’

It is not known where the footage was filmed.