Captivating Yet fгіɡһteпіпɡ: ѕtᴜппіпɡ Images сарtᴜгe Giant Carpet Python ѕᴜѕрeпded from Roof, Engulfing Adult Marsupial

The incredible moment a carpet python hanging from a roof devoured a giant possum has been caught on camera.

Stuart McKenzie from Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers was called to collect a large python from a Mooloolaba backyard, north of Brisbane, on Wednesday morning.

He arrived to find it hanging from a gutter with a possum halfway down its throat.

Mr McKenzie shared the photos on Facebook and told Daily Mail Australia it was a fully-grown ringtail possum.

Pictured: A two-metre carpet python eating a one-metre ringtail possum in Queensland

Mr McKenzie shared the photos on Facebook and told Daily Mail Australia it was a fully-grown ringtail possum

‘The python was about two metres long and took nearly an hour to eat the possum,’ he said.

‘It’s incredible that they can eat upside down and eat such large prey.’

Ringtail possums can grow up to one metre in length.

A Facebook user agreed with Mr McKenzie: ‘Fascinating how it can hang from the gutter with the extra weight in it’s mouth.’

Mr McKenzie had to wait one hour for the carpet python to finish eating the ringtail possum before he could remove it from his client’s backyard

‘Crikey! That’s one big fury possum,’ one woman wrote in the comments.

‘Well, that has put me off my breakfast. Awesome sight though,’ another wrote.

Carpet pythons can grow up to three metres in length.

They are not poisonous to humans but frequently prey on possums, rodents and sometimes family pets.

In April, a giant carpet python devoured a family’s fluffy ginger cat on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

By the time the feline’s owner realised what was happening it was too late, so he filmed the horrifying scene.

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