Muscle Car Babes Features Massive Galleries Of Your Favorite Rides


Clearly drawn by a 14-year-old boy, Denise Milani sports the measurements of a comic book super-heroine than an actual human being. Not that we’re complaining.

We’re just going to say it, it’s about the age of 12 or 13 years old when boys discover their new-found love for two of the best things in the world: cars and girls (and not necessarily in that order).

While our wives and girlfriends joke that “we’ve never grown up,” modern science has confirmed that most adult men retain the same interests, tastes and core personality characteristics first developed in those tentative pubescent years.

So yeah, no we don’t want to not grow up, we can’t.

Considering that all men are forever 13 year old boys, we’re just going to dive right into celebrating our eternal wellspring of immaturity and selfishness.

We stumbled across MuscleCarBabes a couple days of ago and lost ourselves perusing all of its many galleries of gorgeous cars from all brands (there’s a Scion category in there too, so clearly these guys don’t discriminate). Be it Chevy, Mopar or Ford, they’ve got it all and we thank them for it.

While we only provided a handful of awesome images from MuscleCarBabes, there are plenty more pretty pictures to see over at there site, so please enjoy the eye candy here and then hop over to their catalogs of cars and girls.

We have NO problem with aftermarket parts.

Frankly, we’ve never been tempted by a Plymouth Prowler, but we’re starting to reconsider.